Core Stability Advancements and Applications Reformer Workshop

P/oP Studio is ready for this amazing workshop with Karen Clippinger


Sunday, October 14, 2018

9am - 4pm

$200 – Early bird price good until September 21

$250 – Regular price after September 21

Research has advanced our understanding of core stability, including the need for different stimuli to optimally develop strength versus stability.

This workshop will provide numerous exercises and progressions to create the high intensity overload that has been shown to be ideal for fostering core strength.

  • This will be the first presentation of this work outside of a conference format and the only class Karen Clippinger will be teaching in California for the remainder of 2018.

  • It will incorporate large exercise balls and rotator discs into classic and novel reformer exercises for development of multi-planar core stability that will be discussed, demonstrated, and individually practiced.

  • Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of rotation because of its common association with functional movement and injury.

Join Karen and a dedicated group of instructors in an intimate workshop that is part of an on-going education based on the science of the body and its practical applications.

This workshop is appropriate for reformer (only) instructors and all levels of teachers and practitioners.

Get a Better Waistline...Add Obliques to Your Workout

The obliques aid in compressing the abdomen and in forward-bending. They are also the hard workers that help us in side-bending and twisting our torso.

The big reason to include oblique work in your workouts is to make sure you have tone and good function in any muscle group—you want the full benefits that muscle group has to offer.

In this case, it's the side bending and twisting ability along with abdominal compression and forward bending. Many of us want to make extra sure we get our oblique workouts in because toned obliques make for a nice waistline. 

Keep in mind that the obliques work in concert with your other abdominal muscles and really all the muscles of your Pilates powerhouse—abs, back, hips, pelvic floor.

It is not recommended to focus just on obliques, but rather obliques in the context of a full-body workout. We want form and function along with a waistline.

Making bending and twisting exercises effective and safe to get that oblique workout. One example is the Pilates Mermaid Side Stretch Exercise below.

Pin it - Ben Goldstein

One of the best ways to get your oblique workouts is in a balanced Pilates workout which will always feature twisting and bending exercises.

To get a better waistline, contact one of our experienced instructors today they can craft a balanced workout for you in studio and for your at home practice.

The studio is open 7 days a week from 6am to 9pm or

contact us at

Fly the Friendly Skies... of Pasadena's Peekaboo Galleries

The Peekaboo Gallery, a new experiential gallery,

located at 40 Mills Place in Old Pasadena, will be lifting off its next exhibition,

“Welcome Aboard The Friendly Skies: The Art of High Altitude Travel,” on Saturday, August 18. 

 The Friendly Skies exhibit will showcase the finest heirlooms of 100 years of air travel in a striking Jumbo Jet stage set, featuring vintage airline memorabilia and collectibles from a time when traveling aboard a luxury airliner was a magical experience.   

The exhibition, which is on until September 23, will bring together original lithographs and paintings of classic travel art, industrial and commercial aircraft models, and high-flying haute couture in a flight attendant fashion show.

For more information, visit or

Instructor: Abby Hanson

Abby Hanson has been studying yoga and pilates for twenty years. 

Her inspiration is always aging gracefully and living free from pain.  

Abby believes in restorative movement and recently began teaching yamuna ball rolling.  YBR is ball rolling therapy that combines the release of massage with the strengthening and toning of exercise, providing an effortless workout and a deep stretch. 

The balls

apply traction that frees up connective tissue, reeducates muscles, stimulates bones, and leads to fully releasing negative holding patterns in the body. 

YBR is the perfect compliment to Pilates exercise. 

If you are interested please look for future classes at Pilates of Pasadena towards the end of September, or contact Abby for private YBR instruction today. 

Tuesday Tip

We spend about a third of our lives in sleep. 

Sleep is important on so many levels. If only we could sleep like a baby and get some solid restful sleep.

The secret to refreshing sleep is to

wake up naturally after a sustained period of REM. There is wisdom in the old saying that ‘one hour’s sleep before midnight is worth two after.’

Short-term insomnia, which is the commonest type of insomnia afflicts as many as one in three people, can be caused by  stressful life events, a poor sleeping environment, and an irregular routine.

Here are my 7 simple steps to better sleep:

1. Set up a strict routine involving regular and adequate sleeping times.

2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine that helps you to wind down before bedtime.

3. Eat a wholesome evening meal with a good balance of protein and complex carbohydrates.

4. Enjoy a hot, non-caffeinated drink such as herbal tea or hot chocolate before going to sleep. In time, your hot drink could serve as a sleeping cue.

5. Sleep in a familiar, dark, and quiet room that is well ventilated and neither too hot nor too cold.

6. Exercise regularly. Exercise reduces anxiety and also helps with other aspects of psychological and physical health.

7. Reduce your overall stress. At the same time, try to do something fulfilling each day. As Leonardo da Vinci said, a well-spent day brings happy sleep.

Don't make the common, almost universal mistake of underestimating sleep. Time spent in sleep is time well spent; almost everyone could do with better, more restorative sleep.

Sleep is the best meditation. —Dalai Lama

  • Photo Credit: Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

Tuesday Tip

Plagued by sinus problems?  Invest in a Neti Pot!

Photo Credit: Braydon Anderson on Unsplash

The basic explanation of how the Neti pot therapy works is, that it uses a salt and water solution to thin mucus and help flush out the nasal passages.

  • Rinse your nasal passages twice a day to flush out pollen and other irritants. 
  • Put saline solution (a 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 cup warm water) in a plastic squirt bottle or a nasal irrigator, a spouted container that allows you to pour water directly into your nose. 
  • The solution should fill your nasal cavity and spill out the other nostril. 
  • Gently blow your nose afterward.

Jake’s Favorite Mexican Roadside Inspired Summer Snack

Occasionally my sons and I stop after school and pick up the fruit snack the Mexican vendors sell on the side of the road. 

My mother used to make this for us growing up and now I make our version at home for my kids. It's Jake's favorite. 

Ingredients vary as this weekend, I used what was at hand in our refrigerator:

In a large bowl add,

Celery stalks cut to 1 1/2 bite sizes and Carrots sliced on a diagonal

Avocados cut into bite sized chunks and Cucumbers sliced

Add lots of fresh squeezed lime

Our home version we add Olive oil, Sea salt plus Mexican red pepper seasoning, we use "Tajin" 

The Traditional Roadside dish would also include a blend of the following ingredients:

  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Mango
  • Jicama

It's healthy and refreshing on a hot summer day! Enjoy.


Tuesday Tip

Gone Fishing 

If you suffer from dry eyes, up your seafood intake.

Salmon, sardines, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which the body uses to produce tears, among other things. 

Research suggests that people who consume higher amounts of these fats are less likely to have dry eyes.


What appeals to you for a Pilates Class workout...

Depends on a few things, consider how you like to work out, your schedule and your goals.  Whatever class type setting you choose for your experience, our studio promotes a physical and mental mind-body atmosphere conducive to concentration and focus.

Do you need the camaraderie or discipline of scheduled classes to keep you on track?

We recommend you try a group experience if working out with others helps you stay motivated and focused.

If so, a group reformer or group mat classes may be the best fit for you.

Group Mat Class

Just about every benefit the Pilates method has to offer can be achieved through mat work!

Group Reformer Class

Join Samantha every Monday evening at 6pm & 7pm for a group reformer class. Text (626) 497-1280 to reserve a spot. 

Join Toni every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm for a group reformer class. Text (707) 416-6162 to reserve a spot. Email to rsvp.

Join Amelia every Thursday evenings at 6pm & 7pm for a group reformer class. Text (203) 627-6687 to reserve a spot .

Group Reformer Class: $25

Want an intensive, one-on-one Pilates experience customized to your individual goals or special needs?

Nothing beats our one-on-one private customized Pilates sessions.

Private one-on-one Session

Intro Offer: 3 private, 55-minute introductory sessions: $180

This set of 3 classes is an introduction to the art of Pilates and is open to first-time clients. Build core strength and learn the beginning moves you'll need to master this timeless exercise. Inquire on instructor availability.

P/oP certified instructors  work with clients of all ages and abilities including handicapped, athletes, young adults and seniors, through tailored exercises in both private and group classes.

Call (626)765-6500 or email us for additional information or to schedule an appointment with one of our wonderful instructors today!



Wisdom Wednesday

Congratulations to all

School, College, Professional or University 2018 Graduates!

“There is a good reason they call these ceremonies ‘commencement exercises’. Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.”
- Orrin Hatch

"All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." 

- Brian Tracy

Father's Day

We celebrate all our Pilates Men!

Pilates can be a great workout for men at any age.

The practice incorporates all the elements of healthy physical movement: breath, posture, strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Guys need to be able to move, too, so beards and chest hair are just as welcome and encouraged in the studio as are yoga pants.

We notice that men return to our studio after they discover the benefits of Pilates as physical therapy or chiropractic patients. When they see Pilates in real life they have to try it, and once they try it, they are usually hooked on the sense of well being and feeling stronger. And, who doesn't like that feeling?

If you strength train, play golf or tennis, or participate in any aerobic physical activity, the basic Pilates exercise routine will complement any excercise you do by improving spinal mobility, core strength and posture.

Just like Joseph Pilates, you too might just begin feeling

like a better, stronger man.