Pilates of Pasadena

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R.I.P. Federico Alvarado


Fred peacefully passed away in his sleep yesterday morning, April 18, at the age of 96.

Fred was a regular at the Pilates studio. He would accompany his daughter, Judy, and son-in-law, Michael, on their Pilates sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For a time I would have Fred do a 10 to 20 minute routine to get him moving and his muscles active. As recently as a few months ago I watched him quickly lift up his arms to catch a large ball that Michael had thrown to him.

However, as Fred got older and grew increasingly less energetic he would hand the Thera-band back to me or Michael, and was most likely thinking, “No thank you.” :)

Instead, he preferred to sit and look through Maxim magazines. He appreciated beauty and always had a compliment for all the ladies in the studio. Michael occasionally brought him a beer to sip on while he waited.

Fred was a great sport and came along with us on a few dinners after Pilates, never complained and always enjoyed a glass (or two) of wine.

We will miss you, Fred....DAH-RAH-DAH-RAH.....!

Judy and Michael, our deepest condolences go out to you.